
Donations are set aside either for the creation of new digital Biblical productions (eBooks, Biblical Narratives, Biblical Values, Bible Courses, Lectio Divinas, Bible Learning Units, etc.) or the completion of creations (audiobooks, professional readings of the Biblical text, Biblical interpretations, background music compositions, dubbings, etc).

Every production of the eBible project entails a high cost. These productions are innovative, exclusive, original and complex because they harmonize a complex synergy of different creative areas. In addition, these productions are based on the new digital technologies of communication, they combine different resources: audio, audiovisual, painting, digital art, music composition, interactive technology, the design of distance learning courses, etc.

Since the cost of these productions is very high and the creation of them very complex, we offer to the donors the possibility of choosing the specific end use of your donations: professional readings of the Bible, audios for the eBooks, composition of Biblical interpretation of both Biblical passages and their illustration, composition of background music, audiovisual production, etc. The production of illustrations is already supported, but we will appreciate your philanthropy for the support of the implementation of images by the digital facilities already mentioned.


The eBible project needs a strong technological investment for the production of our Biblical creations based on the new digital technologies. We need fundraising for technological equipment, software, design editors, applications, and other tools for digital production. The FDB makes the digital creations by paying a lower amount than that of the market price. This fact is the result of the agreements of collaboration with other institutions and private persons that share the same goals as the FDB. The action plans of a non-profit organization have to register the rough amount of every planned creation.

Besides these needs, there are other specific elements of production:

  • eBooks: its process of production. The production of an enhanced eBook is very complex because it combines many facilities. We produce the illustrations for every single page. These illustrations are unique artistic pieces created in purpose for the eBible project. An illustration entails a 10 hours theological research work on the interpretation of a particular short Biblical passage. This theological research finds out the interpretative keys of a particular Biblical passage. The interpretative keys together with an iconographical plan will be reflected symbolically in a sinopia or outline of the future illustration in size A3. Then, it comes the painting of the illustrations based on the sinopia or outline. The brush or digital painter artistically captures the theological and iconographical ideas, symbols and the Biblical content with his/her own personal touch and creativity. The illustration is already done. Now it comes a work of digitalization: the scanning of physical illustrations and the Photoshop touch. The last step will be the design of an enhanced eBook that combines illustrations, audio, video, Biblical text, background music, and pop-up windows with theological interpretations of the illustrations, and finally the links to social networks.
  • Biblical Narrations: Biblical Narrations are created based on the graphic resources of the eBooks. The first step of the Biblical narrations consists on the study of the main features of a particular Biblical character based on the Biblical texts. The second step is the production of a narration of his/her life and values for an audiovisual format. So it comes the selection of biblical passages together with its images and sequential illustrations for the construction of a coherent, intertwined and complete story. Finally, it comes the production of the audiovisual that combines sequential illustrations, display panels with content, film of location shots, interactive activities, etc.
  • Biblical Values: These are audiovisual programs that come from a complete Biblical Narration. A Biblical Values Program is based on the Narration of a Biblical character and analyzes his/her values and counter-values. The following items are provided in these programs: images and videos for the illustration of a value and a counter-value, an audiovisual presentation with sounds, music, charts and categories; and finally links to news and the social media that are somehow related to the value and counter-value in question.
  • Bible distance learning Courses: These are distance-learning Courses on the Gospel and on the leading figure of Jesus, and on other books of the Bible. The organization of these distance-learning courses entails a work of design (program, objectives, learning outcomes, evaluation activities, etc.), a work of production of tools and interactive online activities, and finally a work of creation of e-activities for the evaluation of the learning process. We also create Bible Learning Units on particular religious basic subjects, and all goes in audiovisual format as an implementation of the learning work.
  • Learning Units: these are teaching audiovisual programs made for a profitable understanding of the Biblical text. Images, videos, audios, sound effects, charts and categories, and finally links to contents that enhance the subject of the Learning Unit assist these programs.
  • Lectio Divinas: The production of a lectio entails many hours of work due to the combination of different resources. The elaboration of a lectio implies the creation of a program of contents and a composition of a script that combines description, explanation, and meditative dimension. Once the script is done, it comes the selection of artistic resources: illustrations of our eBooks, creation of paintings made in purpose for these lectio, filming of landscapes, location shots, reading panels and other interactive elements for the creation of meditative moods. Finally, it comes the realization of an audiovisual based on these resources.